
Legal Information


The terms and policy described in this document apply to the public instance of Wizzeye hosted at https://wizzeye.app/. When using a self-hosted server, please refer to the terms of the self-hosted instance.

Terms of use

The public Wizzeye instance is provided for demonstration and evaluation purposes only. For production use it is recommended to install a self-hosted instance.

The software and service are provided "as is", without any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantibility, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders or owners of the wizzeye.app domain be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or service or the use or other dealings in the software or service.

Privacy policy

In short: we do not have any access to your video or audio streams. We do log some information about who is connecting to our server only for monitoring/analytics purposes and to prevent abuse.

What information do we collect and why

By using the wizzeye.app public instance, you agree to the collection of the following elements:

The information above is collected solely for monitoring purposes, to gather anonymous usage statistics, and to prevent abuse of our services.

How do we share information we collect

We do not share any information we collect, except when obliged to do so by law.

Our use of cookies

The wizzeye.app website may use cookies to store user preferences. We do not use cookies for tracking purposes. User preferences may be flushed by clearing the cookies in your browser settings.

Changes to our privacy policy

We may update our privacy policy to explain the behavior of newer versions of Wizzeye. The latest version of the policy can be found at https://wizzeye.app/s/legal/. By continuing the use of our services, you agree to the policy explained on that page.

Contacting us

You can contact us by mail at info@wizzeye.app.